报告题目:Solving Eigenvalue Problems-A Polynomial Systems Approach
时 间:2024年3月24日(星期日)11:00
地 点:科研楼18号楼1102
主 办:数学与统计学院、分析数学及应用教育部重点实验室、福建省分析数学及应用重点实验室、统计学与人工智能福建省高校重点实验室、福建省应用数学中心(福建师范大学)
报告摘要:The Eigenvalue problem is a fundamental problem in numerical algebra and have many important practical applications. Plenty of numerical methods have been proposed to solve this problem. Taking eigenvalues and all entries of the corresponding eigenvectors as variables, we can transform an eigenvalue problem to a polynomial system. In this talk, I will set a bridge between the eigenpairs of the eigenvalue problem and the complete solution of the polynomial system, and then introduce the numerical methods for polynomial system to solve the eigenvalue problems. Numerical results show that this class of methods is more efficient for large-scale problems.
报告人简介:董波,大连理工大学数学科学学院教授、博士生导师,主要的研究工作包括非线性方程组全部解问题、矩阵特征值问题、张量分析等,主持国家自然科学基金4项,在SINUM、SIMAX、Math. Comput.、Numer. Math、Inverse Problems、J. Sci. Comput. 等计算数学著名期刊上发表论文20余篇。