


报告题目:A Computational Scheme of Multi media Interfaces in the Study of Flow Interfacial Instability

时       间:2024611日(星期二)1000

地       点:科研楼18号楼1102 

主       办:数学与统计学院、分析数学及应用教育部重点实验室、福建省分析数学及应用重点实验室、福建省应用数学中心(福建师范大学)、福建师范大学数学研究中心


报告摘要:In the numerical simulation of the interfacial instability, the schemes were limited to problems in one medium with different densities or two media with homologous adiabatic exponent. If the schemes are used for computing the interfacial disturbance with more than one medium with homologous adiabatic exponent, the physical quanta on interfaces show nonphysical oscillation. To overcome the problem, we introduces the front tracking scheme into the level set method, namely the contact discontinuous boundary conditions are coercively added on interfaces so that the nonphysical oscillation is avoided. The evolution of Rayleigh-Taylor instability is examined by the three-dimensional TVD/AC program under the single wave and multi waves disturbance. The disturbed figures with time are given. 

报告人简介:蔚喜军,北京应用物理与计算数学研究所研究员,博士生导师,中国科技大学、东北师范大学兼职博士生导师。曾任《计算物理》、《空气动力学学报》和《Journal of Mathematical Research and Applications (JMRA)》杂志编委;计算物理国防科技重点实验室副主任,计算数学学会副秘书长、学术委员会主任;空气动力学学会物理气体动力学专业委员会秘书长;计算物理学会副理事长兼秘书长;中国数字图书馆工程建设专家顾问委员会专家工作组成员。蔚喜军研究员长期从事流体力学数值方法研究,特别是结构和非结构网格上高分辨率有限体积和有限元方法,包括数值网格生成与自适应方法,多介质流体力学界面处理及数值模拟等取得国内一流原创性科研成果。在国内外期刊发表140多篇论文,合作撰写信息与计算科学丛书《多介质流体动力学计算方法》(科学出版社20141本。