报告题目: Asymptotics of value-at-risk for portfolio loss under bivariate EFGM copula and heavy tails
时 间:2022年6月7日(星期二)晚上 19:00
地 点:腾讯会议(ID:466-963-897)
主 办:数学与统计学院
报告摘要: In the setting of bivariate Eyraud-Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern copula and heavy tails characterized by the power law of tail decay, we give the asymptotics of value-at-risk for portfolio loss as the confidence level tends to one. It can be seen from the obtained asymptotics that diversification decreases the value-at-risk of portfolio loss for the tail index greater than one and increases the value-at-risk of portfolio loss for the tail index less than one. To illustrate the obtained results, a relevant example is shown.
报告人简介:邢国东,博士,合肥师范学院副教授;广西师范大学“应用统计学”方向兼职硕导;美国《Mathematical Reviews》评论员;近年来,致力于量化风险管理、概率极限理论、数学统计教学论等方面的研究,已公开发表30余篇科研论文,其中被SCI检索30余篇;主持或参与若干课题的研究;并于2011年获得“广西自然科学三等奖”。