

报告题目:Long transient dynamics in stochastic systems

时       间:202254日(星期三)上午1000

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主       办:数学与统计学院



报告摘要: Transient dynamics, often observed in multiscale or complex systems, are roughly defined to be intriguing and important dynamical behaviours that display over finite time scales. For a class of randomly perturbed dynamical systems that arise in chemical reactions and population dynamics, and that exhibit persistence dynamics over finite time periods and extinction dynamics in the long run, we use quasi-stationary distributions (QSDs) to capture the transient states governing the long transient dynamics. Establishing the sub-exponential large deviation principle of QSDs and associated extinction rates, we obtain detailed information about transient states leading to a good understanding of the transient dynamics as well as the global multiscale dynamics. As applications, we justify Keizer’s paradox and establish the diffusion approximation of QSDs. This talk ends up with some discussions.


报告人简介:  沈中伟,加拿大Alberta大学教授。主要从事动力系统及相关数学模型的研究,已在J. Differential EquationsJ. Funct. Anal.J. Math. Biol. 等国际权威期刊发表学术论文多篇。