







1. 国际学术期刊编辑(Editor):

(A) International Journal of Computer Mathematics: Computer Systems Theory 

(B) International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems 

2. 国电气与电子工程师协会会员(IEEE Member)

3. 美国《数学评论》(Mathematical Reviews)评论员




男,1972年7月生,湖北麻城人,福建师范大学数学与统计学院教授、博士生导师,分析数学及应用教育部重点实验室、福建省应用数学中心主要成员。“宝琛计划”特聘教授(2021-2023),2021年被评为“校优秀研究生指导教师”, 2022入选福建省高层次“C类人才”。2010年获教育部高等学校青年骨干教师国内访问学者资助项目,2018年和2021年相继获批福建省和国家留学基金委资助项目。主要从事离散数学、图论与网络优化、故障诊断及检测、容错计算及基于复杂网络和社交网络的大数据分析等方面的研究。


2005年7月-至 今 讲师、副教授、教授 福建师范大学数学与统计学院

2023年2月-2024年2月 访问学者 南洋理工大学

2010年9月-2011年8月 访问学者 中国科学技术大学

2002年9月-2005年7月 理学博士学位 厦门大学

1999年9月-2002年7月 理学硕士学位 江西师范大学

1996年9月-1999年8月 湖北麻城师范任教

1992年9月-1996年7月 理学硕士学位 湖北民族大学


 1. 科研项目:

 (A) 主持科研项目:















(B) 参与科研项目:


9)省自然基金面上项目(No. 2023J01539)-哈密尔顿图与可迹图的度条件刻画2023年至2026年)

8)省自然基金面上项目(No. 2023J01298)-符号空间上的饱和集及字符增长速率研究(2023年至2026年)

7)国家自然基金面上项目(No.61072080)-跨层协作的可编程无线mesh网络及安全关键技术研究 (2010年至2013年)

6)省科技厅引导性项目(No. 2017Y0028)-预测社区老年人跌倒风险的体域网步态远程监测系统关键技术研究2017年至2020年)


4)省自然基金面上项目(No. 2014J01222)-基于网络通信的δ算子系统鲁棒控制和滤波(2014年至2013年)


2)教育厅B类-某些简单无向网络的最小反馈点集(校内编号No.J1-830) (2010年至2012年)


2. 科研论文(Selected)

[78]Qifan Zhang, Shuming Zhou*, Sun-Yuan Hsieh, Characterization of diagnosability under the bounded comparison model, IEEE Transactions on Reliability https://doi.org/10.1109/TR.2024.3452054 (SCI)

[77]Xiaoqing Liu, Shuming Zhou*, Eddie Cheng, Hong Zhang, Reliability analysis of the generalized balanced hypercube, Journal of Computer Science and Technology 39(5)(2024)1-16.  (SCI)

[76]Weixing Zheng, Shuming Zhou*, Eddie Cheng, Qifan Zhang, Non-inclusive g-extra diagnosability of interconnection networks under PMC model, Theoretical Computer Science 1022 (2024)114887.  (SCI)  

[75]Baohua Niu, Shuming Zhou*, Hong Zhang, Qifan Zhang, Probabilistic cluster fault diagnosis for multiprocessor systems, Theoretical Computer Science 1020 (2024)114837. (SCI)

[74]Yuxin Jin, Shuming Zhou*, Tao Tian, Kinkar Chandra Das, Sufficient conditions for hamiltonian properties of graphs based on the difference of Zagreb indices, Computational and Applied Mathematics 43(2024)385 (SCI)

[73]Hong Zhang, Shuming Zhou*, Eddie Cheng, Sun-Yuan Hsieh, Characterization of cyclic diagnosability of regular diagnosable networks, IEEE Transactions on Reliability 73(1)(2024)270-278. (SCI)

[72]Liqiong Xu, Shuming Zhou, Reliability assessment of interconnection networks based on link fault patterns, IEEE Transaction on Reliability 73(2)(2024) 1302-1309. (SCI)

[71]Hong Zhang, Shuming Zhou*, Characterization of matroidal connectivity of regular networks, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 186(2024)104818. (SCI)

[70]Gaolin Chen, Shuming Zhou*, A novel overlapping community detection strategy based on core-bridge seeds, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics 15(2024)2134-2147. (SCI) 

[69]Min Li, Shuming Zhou*, Dajin Wang, Gaolin Chen, Missing link prediction using path and community information, Computing  106(2024)521-555. (SCI)

[68]Limei Lin, Shuming Zhou, Sun-Yuan Hsieh, Neural network enabled intermittent fault diagnosis under comparison model, IEEE Transactions on Reliability 72(3)(2023) 1206-1219. (SCI)

[67]Xiaoqing Liu, Shuming Zhou*, Sun-Yuan Hsieh, Hong Zhang, Robustness of subsystem reliability of k-ary n-cube networks under probabilistic fault model, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 33(12)(2022)4694-4693. (SCI )

[66]Liqiong Xu, Shuming Zhou*, Sun-Yuan Hsieh, An O(log3N) algorithm for reliability assessment of 3-ary n-cubes based on h-extra edge connectivity, IEEE Transactions on Reliability 71(3)(2022)1230-2404. (SCI)

[65]Baohua Niu, Shuming Zhou*, Hong Zhang, Qifan Zhang, Robustness of subsystem-based reliability for complete-transposition network, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 69 (2023)4717-4737. (SCI)

[64]Baohua Niu, Shuming Zhou*, Hong Zhang, Extremal arithmetic–geometric index of bicyclic graphs, Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing 42(2023)5739-5760. (SCI)

[63]Qifan Zhang, Shuming Zhou*, Hong Zhang, Reliability analysis of 3-ary n-cube in terms of average degree edge-connectivity, Discrete Applied Mathematics 341(2023) 31-39. (SCI)

[62]Min Li, Shuming Zhou*, Dajin Wang, Gaolin Chen, Identifying influential nodes based on resistance distance, Journal of Computational Science 67(2023)101972   (SCI)

[61]Hong Zhang, Shuming Zhou*, Eddie Cheng, Restricted connectivity of Cayley graph generated by transposition trees, Discrete Applied Mathematics 327(2023)87–95. (SCI)

[60]Baohua Niu, Shuming Zhou*, Hong Zhang, Qifan Zhang, Extremal arithmetic-geometric spectral radius of unicyclic graphs, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 69(3)(2023) 2315-2330. (SCI)

[59]Hong Zhang, Shuming Zhou*, Xiaoqing Liu, Zhenqin Yu, Extra (component) connectivity and diagnosability of bubble sort networks, Theoretical Computer Science 940 (2023) 180–189. (SCI)

[58]Hong Zhang, Shuming Zhou*, Eddie Cheng, Sun-Yuan Hsieh, Characterization of component diagnosability of regular networks, Discrete Applied Mathematics 314 (2022) 304-320. (SCI)

[57]Gaolin Chen, Shuming Zhou*, Min Li, Hong Zhang, Evaluation of community vulnerability based on communicability and structural dissimilarity, Physica A 606(2022) 128079. (SCI)

[56]Jiafei Liu, Shuming Zhou*, Dajin Wang, Hong Zhang, Component diagnosability in terms of component connectivity of hyperucbe-based compound networks, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 162 (2022)17-26. (SCI)

[55]Wei Lin, Shuming Zhou*, Min Li, Gaolin Chen, Identifying key nodes in interdependent networks based on Supra-Laplacian energy, Journal of Computational Science 61 (2022)101657. (SCI)

[54]Xiaowang Li, Shuming Zhou*, Tianlong Ma, Xia Guo, Xiangyu Ren, The h-restricted connectivity of a class of hypercube-based compound networks, The Computer Journal 65 (2022) 2528–2534. (SCI)

[53]He Li, Shumin Zhang, Chengfu Ye*, Shuming Zhou, The g-component connectivity of graphs, Theoretical Computer Science 889 (2021)96-104. (SCI)

[52]Guanqin Lian, Shuming Zhou*, Eddie Cheng, Jiafei Liu, Gaolin Chen, Persistence of hybrid diagnosability of regular networks under testing diagnostic model, The Computer Journal 64(9)(2021)1401-1411. (SCI)

[51]Yihong Wang, Cheng-Kuan Lin, Shuming Zhou*, Tao Tian, Subgraph-based strong Menger connectivity of hypercube and exchanged hypercube, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 32(3)(2021) 305-330. (SCI)

[50]Wei Lin, Min Li, Shuming Zhou*, Jiafei Liu, Gaolin Chen, Qianru Zhou, Phase transition in spectral clustering based on resistance matrix, Physica A 566(2021) 125598. (SCI)

[49]Mengjie Lv, Shuming Zhou*, Gaolin Chen, Lanxiang Chen, Jiafei Liu, Chin-Chen Chang, On Reliability of Multiprocessor System Based on Star Graph, IEEE Transactions on Reliability 60(2)(2020)715-724. (SCI)

[48]Xiaowang Li, Shuming Zhou*, Xia Guo, Tianlong Ma, The h-restricted connectivity of the generalized hypercubes, Theoretical Computer Science 850(4)(2021)135-147. (SCI)

[47]Zhengdong Gu, Shuming Zhou*, Jiafei Liu, Qianru Zhou, Dajin Wang, Shapley distance and shapley index for some special graphs, Parallel Processing Letters 30(4)(2020) 2050012. (EI)

[46]Gaolin Chen, Shuming Zhou*, Jiafei Liu, Min Li, Qianru Zhou, Influential node detection of social networks based on network invulnerability, Physics Letter A 384(2020) 126879. (SCI)

[45]Yihong Wang, Cheng-Kuan Lin, Shuming Zhou*, Diagnosability for two families of composition networks, Theoretical Computer Science 824-825(2020)46-56. (SCI)

[44]Guanqin Lian, Shuming Zhou*, Sun-Yuan Hsieh, Jiafei Liu, Gaolin Chen, Yihong Wang, Performance evaluation on hybrid fault diagnosability of regular networksTheoretical Computer Science 796(2019)147-153. (SCI)

[43]Guanqin Lian, Shuming Zhou*, Sun-Yuan Hsieh, Jiafei Liu, Zhengdong Gu, Characterization of diagnosability on the bounded PMC model, The Computer Journal 63(9)(2020)1397-1405. (SCI)

[42]Xueli Sun, Shuming Zhou*, Zhendong Gu, Yihong Wang, Min Li, Reliability Evaluation of Complete Cubic Networks, International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems 35(1)(2020)42-56. (EI)

[41]Wei Lin, Min Li, Shuming Zhou*, Jiafei Liu, Gaolin Chen, Zhengdong Gu, Phase transitions in normalized cut of social networks, Physics Letter A 383(2019) 3037-3042. (SCI)

[40] Xuequn Li, Shuming Zhou*, Jiafei Liu, Guanqin Lian, Gaolin Chen, Chen-Wan Lin, Communities detection in social network based on local edge centrality, Physica A 531(2019) 121552. (SCI)

[39]Xuequn Li, Shuming Zhou*, Jiafei Liu,Gaolin Chen, Zhengdong Gu, Yihong Wang, A new metric to quantify influence of nodes in social networks, International Journal of Modern Physics B 33(17)(2019) 1950186. (SCI)

[38]Mengjie Lv, Shuming Zhou*, Xueli Sun, Guanqin Lian, Jiafei Liu, Dajin Wang, Probabilistic diagnosis of clustered faults for hypercube-based multiprocessor system, Theoretical Computer Science 793(2019) 113-131. (SCI)

[37]Mengjie Lv, Shuming Zhou*, Jiafei Liu, Xueli Sun, Guanqin Lian, Fault diagnosability of DQcube under the PMC model, Discrete Applied Mathematics 259(2019)180-192.  (SCI)

[36]Xuequn Li, Shuming Zhou*, Guanqin Lian, Gaolin Chen, Jiafei Liu, Heterogeneity of social network based on degree sequence and community, International Journal of Modern Physics B 32(30)(2018) 1850331. (SCI)

[35]Liqiong Xu, Shuming Zhou*, Guanqin Lian, Conditional diagnosability of multiprocessor system based on complete-transposition graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 247(2018)367-379. (SCI)

[34]Jinqiang Li, Shuming Zhou*, Xiaowang Li, An Insertion-Deletion-Compensation Model with Poisson Process for Scale-Free Networks, Future Generation Computer Systems 83 (2018) 425-430. (SCI)

[33]Limei Lin, Sun-Yuan Hsieh, Li Xu, Shuming Zhou, Riqing Chen, The relationship between extra connectivity and conditional diagnosability of regular graphs under the PMC model, Journal of Computer and System Sciences 95(2018)1-18. (SCI)

[32]Liqiong Xu, Shuming Zhou*, Guanqin Lian, Zuwen Luo, A kind of conditional connectivity of Cayley graphs generated by 2-trees, The Computer Journal 61(5) (2018) 714-721. (SCI)

[31]Shuming Zhou, Xiaowang Li, Jingqiang Li, Dajin Wang, Reliability assessment of multiprocessor system based on (n, k)-star network, IEEE Transactions on Reliability 66(4) (2017) 1025-1035. (SCI)

[30]Xiang Xu, Shuming Zhou*, Li Xu. Diagnosabilities of regular networks under three-valued comparison models, International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking 10(4/5)(2017) 251-258. (EI)

[29]Xiang Xu, Shuming Zhou*, Jinqiang Li, Reliability of complete cubic networks under the condition of g-good-neighbor, The Computer Journal 60(5)2017)625-635. (SCI)

[28]Xiaowang Li, Shuming Zhou*, Xiang Xu, Limei Lin, Dajin Wang. The reliability analysis based on subsystems of (n, k)-star graph, IEEE Transactions on Reliability 65(4)(2016) 1700-1709. (SCI)

[27]Li Xu, Limei Lin, Shuming Zhou, Sun-Yuan Hsieh, The extra connectivity, extra conditional diagnosability and t/m-diagnosability of arrangement graphs, IEEE Transactions on Reliability 65(3) (2016) 1248-1262. (SCI)

[26]Limei Lin, Li Xu, Shuming Zhou, Yang Xiang, Trustworthiness hypercube based reliable communication in mobile social networks, Information Sciences 369(2016) 34-50. (SCI)

[25]Limei Lin, Li Xu, Dajin Wang, Shuming Zhou, The g-good-neighbor conditional diagnosability of arrangement graphs, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 15(3)(2018) 542-548. (SCI)

[24]Limei Lin, Li Xu, Shuming Zhou, Sun-Yuan Hsieh, The t/k-diagnosability for regular networks, IEEE Transactions on Computers 65(10)(2016)3157-3170. (SCI)

[23]Shuming Zhou, Sulin Song, Xiaoxue Yang, Lanxiang Chen, On conditional fault tolerance and diagnosability of hierarchical cubic networks, Theoretical Computer Science 609(2016) 421-433. (SCI)

[22]Sulin Song, Shuming Zhou*, Xiaoyan Li, Conditional diagnosability of burnt pancake networks under the PMC model, The Computer Journal 59(1)(2016) 91-105. (SCI)

[21]Limei Lin, Li Xu, Shuming Zhou, Sun-Yuan Hsieh, The extra, restricted  connectivity and conditional diagnosability of split-star networks, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 27(2)(2016) 533-545. (SCI)

[20]Limei Lin, Li Xu, Shuming Zhou, Relating the extra connectivity and the conditional diagnosability of regular graphs under the comparison model, Theoretical Computer Science 618(2016) 21-29. (SCI)

[19]Shuming Zhou, Limei Lin, Li Xu, Dajin Wang, The t/k-diagnosability of star graph networks, IEEE Transactions on Computers 62(2)(2015) 547-555. (SCI)

[18]Limei Lin, Shuming Zhou*, Li Xu, Dajin Wang, The extra connectivity and conditional diagnosability of alternating group networks, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 26(8)(2015)2352-2362. (SCI)

[17]Limei Lin, Li Xu, Shuming Zhou, Dajin Wang. The reliability of subgraphs in   the arrangement graph, IEEE Transactions on Reliability 64(2)(2015) 807-818. (SCI)

[16]Sulin Song, Xiaoyan Li, Shuming Zhou*, Mi Chen, Fault tolerance and diagnosability of burnt pancake networks under the comparison model, Theoretical Computer Science 582(2015) 48-59. (SCI)

[15]Limei Lin, Shuming Zhou*, Li Xu, Dajin Wang, Conditional diagnosability of arrangement graphs under the PMC model, Theoretical Computer Science 548(2014) 79-97. (SCI)

[14]Shuming Zhou, Jun-Ming Xu, Fault diagnosability of arrangement graphs, Information Sciences 246(2013)177-190. (SCI)

[13]Xiaoxue Yang, Shuming Zhou*, On conditional fault tolerant of dual-cubes, International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems 28(3)(2013) 199-213. (EI)

[12]Shuming Zhou, Lanxiang Chen, Jun-Ming Xu, Conditional fault diagnosability of dual-cubes, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 23(8) (2012) 1729-1747. (SCI)

[11]Shuming Zhou, Limei Lin, Jun-Ming Xu, Conditional fault diagnosis of hierarchical hypercubes, International Journal of Computer Mathematics 89(16) (2012) 2152-2164. (SCI)

[10]Shuming Zhou, The conditional fault diagnosability of (n, k)-star graphsApplied Mathematics and Computation 218 (2012) 9742-9749. (SCI)

[9]Shuming Zhou, Jun-Ming Xu, Conditional fault tolerance of arrangement graphs, Information Processing Letters 111 (2011) 1037-1043. (SCI)

[8]Shuming Zhou, Wenjun Xiao, Conditional diagnosability of alternating group networks, Information Processing Letters 110(10) (2010) 403-409. (SCI)

[7]Shuming Zhou, Wenjun Xiao, and B. Parhami, Construction of vertex-disjoint paths in alternating group networks, The Journal of Supercomputing 54(2010) 206-228. (SCI)

[6]Shuming Zhou, The Conditional diagnosability of crossed cubes under the comparison model, International Journal of Computer and Mathematics 87(15) (2010) 3387-3396. (SCI)

[5]Shuming Zhou, Ni Du, Baoxing Chen, A new family of interconnection networks of odd degree, Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 66(2006) 698-704. (SCI)

[4]Shuming Zhou, A new family of trivalent cayley networks on wreath product, Journal of System Science & Complexity 19(2006) 577-585.

[3]Shuming Zhou, Huizhi Xu, Wenjun Xiao, A unified formulation of kautz network and generalized hypercube, Computers & Mathematics with Applications 49 (2005) 1403-1411. (SCI)

[2]Shuming Zhou, The Cayley network of expanded pancake graphs, International Journal of Computer Mathematics 82 (2005) 1371-1378. (SCI)

[1]Shuming Zhou, Wenjun Xiao, A new family interconnection networks of fixed degree three, Journal of Computer Science and Technology 19(2)(2004)218-223. (SCI)

3. 科研专著

[1]Shuming Zhou, Qingfeng Dong, Reliability Analysis of Multiprocessor Systems, Science Press, Beijing, 2020.



1. 研究生培养:

(1) 博士研究生培养:

连冠勤、陈高琳、刘佳飞(研究生国家奖学金)、李  敏、张  (研究生国家奖学金)、张其凡、杨璐璐

(2) 硕士研究生培养:


2010级:   伟、 杨小雪、林丽美 (研究生国家奖学金、校优秀毕业论文读博)

2011级:卢丽珊、李小燕 (研究生国家奖学金、校优秀毕业论文读博)

2013级:宋苏林 (研究生国家奖学金读博)

2014级:   (研究生国家奖学金)、李小旺 (省优秀硕士毕业论文,读博)

2015级:李金强 (研究生国家奖学金校优秀毕业论文读博)

2016级: (校优秀硕士毕业论文)、孙雪丽 (省、校优秀硕士毕业论文,读博)、吕梦婕 (研究生国家奖学金,省、校优秀硕士毕业论文,读博)










2017级:  吕晓婷、  


2019级:王国辉金文君、李睿思、银  (校优秀硕士毕业论文)


2021级:林荔娜徐皖敏、林茹芝、华  梦、任  


2023级:苏婷婷、赵已鑫、徐莹婕、高瑞星、张  曹艺琼(2024年“田家炳杯”研究生教学技能大赛一等奖)



2. 成果奖励:

(1) 厦门大学研究生科研成果二等奖(2004); 厦门大学本栋奖学金(2005); 厦门大学优秀毕业生(2005)

(2) 2016年获第十二届福建省自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖2018年获第十届福建省自然科学优秀学术论文等奖。

(3) 省优秀学位论文指导老师:省优秀硕士学位论文(李小旺(2018)、吕梦婕(2020)、孙雪丽(2020))

(4) 数学建模指导老师:2020“华为杯”研究生数学建模竞赛国家二等奖1项; 2022年美国大学生数学建模二等奖4项; 2023年美国大学生数学建模一等奖1项、二等奖4项。2024年美国大学生数学建模一等奖3项、二等奖1项。

(5) 优秀指导老师:2024年“田家炳杯”研究生学科教学(数学)专业教学技能大赛