报告题目:Singularly perturbed stochastic functional differential equations
时 间:2024年11月11日(星期一)09:30
地 点:理工北楼601
主 办:数学与统计学院、分析数学及应用教育部重点实验室、福建省分析数学及应用重点实验室、福建省应用数学中心(福建师范大学)、福建师范大学数学研究中心
报告摘要:This talk examines singularly perturbed stochastic functional differential equations (SFDEs). The fast component system under consideration is also described by the SFDE, which introduces essential difficulties. This talk aims to establish the averaging principle to simplify the original system. To overcome the difficulty due to delay and the coupling of the segment process, some properties as the Hölder continuity and tightness on a space of continuous functions have to be investigated for the segment process. This work coauthors with Professors George Yin and Chao Zhu.
报告人简介: 吴付科,华中科技大学数学与统计学院教授、博士生导师,主要从事随机微分方程及其相关领域研究,2011年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,2014年获得国家自然科学基金委员会优秀青年基金资助,主要成果发表于SIAM J. App. Math.、SIAM J. Control Optim.、SIAM J. Numer. Anal.等知名期刊上。