


报告题目:Boundary trace of reflected diffusions on uniform domains

时       间:2024624日(星期10:30

地       点:理工楼北楼601

主       办:数学与统计学院、分析数学及应用教育部重点实验室、福建省分析数学及应用重点实验室、统计学与人工智能福建省高校重点实验室福建省应用数学中心(福建师范大学



报告摘要:Consider a symmetric  strongly local  regular  Dirichlet form on a locally compact separable metric measure space $(X, m)$ whose heat kernel admits sub-Gaussian heat kernel estimate.  Let  $D$  be a uniform subdomain of $X$.There is a conservative reflected diffusion process $X$ on $\overline D$.  The trace Dirichlet form on the boundary of  $D$ is the Dirichlet form of the diffusion process $X$ time-changed by a smooth measure $\mu$ with full  quasi-support on $\partial D$. In this talk, we give Besov space type characterization of the domain of the  trace Dirichlet forms for any good smooth measure $\mu$ on the boundary $\partial D$.  We investigate properties of the harmonic measure of $X$  on the boundary $\partial D$. In particular, we provide a condition equivalent to the doubling property of the harmonic measure. We then present characterization and estimates of the jump kernel of the trace Dirichlet form under the doubling condition of the harmonic measure on $\partial D$. This is based on a joint work with Shiping Cao.


报告人简介: 美国华盛顿大学(西雅图)数学系终身教授,分别于2007年和2014年当选美国数理统计学会会士和美国数学会会士,2007年受聘为教育部长江学者奖励计划讲座教授,2019年获Bernoulli协会的Ito奖。陈振庆教授在马氏过程与狄氏空间,随机微分方程以及偏微分方程中的概率论方法等方面做了大量的处于国际领先水平的开创性的研究工作,现(曾)任国际著名期刊Potential Analysis的主编和AOP,AAP等期刊编委在JEMSMAMSMath Ann.Adv. Math.CMPAOPPTRFTAMS等顶尖期刊发表论文200余篇。