俄罗斯诺夫哥罗德大学Vladimir Edemskii教授学术报告



报告题目The 4-adic complexity of quaternary sequences with low autocorrelation and high linear complexity

时       2024315日(星期五)1400

地       科技楼18#1102学术报告厅 

主       数学与统计学院, 分析数学及应用教育部重点实验室



报告摘要Pseudo-random sequences are widely used in many fields, such as modern communication, software testing, radar system, coding theory, stream cipher systems, and so on. In practical applications, sequences are required to have low correlation and high complexity. For the sake of simplify implementation, binary and quaternary sequences with good properties are preferred sequences in many applications. In this talk, we estimate the 4-adic complexity of several classes of quaternary sequences. Our results show that these sequences have large 4-adic complexity to resist the attack of the rational approximation algorithm.


报告人简介:Vladimir Edemskii,俄罗斯诺夫哥罗德大学教授,主要从事应用数学、密码学理论研究,主持俄罗斯国家基金项目、中俄国家自然科学基金交流项目,在业界权威期刊、学术会议发表 50 多篇学术成果。