

报告题目: Continuous-state branching processes with immigration and competition


      点:腾讯会议(ID:395 959 227 



报告摘要:To model stationary population dynamics with competitions between individuals, we include immigration structure into branching processes with competition introduced by Berestycki et al. (2018). Such processes are constructed as pathwise unique solutions of stochastic integral equations driven by Brownian motions and Poisson random measures. By constructing novel cost functions and coupling techniques, we then present sufficient conditions for the exponential ergodicity both in the Wasserstein distance and the weighted total variation distance.This talk is based on the joined work with Zenghu Li, Xiaowen Zhou and Jian Wang.


报告人简介:李培森,北京理工大学助理教授。他的主要研究方向为分枝过程、带跳随机微分方程、连续时间马氏链、莱维过程,已在《Stochastic Process. Appl. 》、《Electron. J. Probab.》、《Ann. Appl. Probab.》、《Bernoulli》等国际学术期刊发表数篇论文。