

报告题目:System-level Diagnosis and Fault-tolerant Networks: Introduction and Recent Results 

时      间:2023-06-01 (星期) 09:30 -12:30

地      点:科研楼18号楼1102

主      办:数学与统计学院, 福建省分析数学及应用重点实验室、福建省应用数学中心(福建师范大学)、福建师范大学数学研究中心



报告摘要:Attackers on networks nowadays become more widespread and post more clear and present threats. In the meantime, the ever-growing size of networks increases the vulnerability of system components. The robustness of networks has therefore been an especially crucial issue and research topic. In this talk I will give an introduction of system-level diagnosis, a test scheme that is capable of self-diagnosing multiple faulty nodes in a network. The fundamental concepts of the field will be introduced, and some newly published results will be presented.


报告人简介:Dajin Wang received the B.Eng. degree in computer engineering from Shanghai University of Science and Technology in 1982, and the Ph.D. degree in computer science from Stevens Institute of Technology in 1990. Since 1990 he has been with the Department of Computer Science (now the School of Computing) at Montclair State University, New Jersey, USA, where he has been a full professor of Computer Science since 2002. He has received college- and university-level awards for his scholarly accomplishments, has held visiting positions in other universities, and has consulted in industry. His main research interests include interconnection networks, fault tolerant computing, algorithmic robotics, parallel processing, and wireless ad hoc and sensor networks. He has published over one-hundred papers in these areas, with many appearing in premier journals including IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE TPDS, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, J. of Parallel and Distributed Computing, and Parallel Computing. He has served on the program committees of influential conferences. He served as an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems from 2010 to 2014.