

1. G Guo(郭躬德),L Chen (陈黎飞).Cluster validation method for determining the number of clusters in categorical sequences. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems. 2017 , 28 (12) :2936-2948.(sci-I)  

2. F Huang (黄发良).Overlapping Community Detection for Multimedia Social Networks. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia. 2017 , PP (99) :1-1.( sci-II)  

3. P Kim,T Kumagai,J Wang(王健).Laws of the iterated logarithm for symmetric jump processes. Bernoulli. 2015 , 37 (3) :625-650.(sci-II)  

4. Q Long , J Chen(陈建清).Blow-up phenomena for a nonlinear pseudo-parabolic equation with nonlocal source. 2017 , 74 :181-186. (sci-II)  

5. CQ Lv,CF Ma(马昌凤).A Levenberg-Marquardt method for solving semi-symmetric tensor equations. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2018, 332:13–25.( sci-II)  

6. Y Zhang,Y Xiang,W Wu(伍玮).A Variant of Password Authenticated Key Exchange Protocol. Future Generation Computer Systems. 2017.( sci-II)  

7. Zheng,QingQing,Ma ChangFeng(马昌凤).A class of accelerated parameterized inexact Uzawa algorithms for complex symmetric linear systems. Applied Mathematics and Computation.( sci-II)  

8. H Lin (林晖).Toward Better Data Veracity in Mobile Cloud Computing: A Context-Aware and Incentive-Based Reputation Mechanism. information sciences.2016.( sci-II)  

9. Y Han,H Lin (林和子).Vanishing theorems for f-harmonic forms on smooth metric measure spaces. Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications. 2017 , 162 :113-127.( sci-II)  

10. F He ,X Li(许力).Stackelberg game based relay selection for physical layer security and energy efficiency enhancement in cognitive radio networks. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 2017 , 296 :153-167.( sci-II)  

11. H Lin(林和子).Eigenvalue estimate and gap theorems for submanifolds in the hyperbolic space. Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 148 (2017), 126–137.( sci-II)  

12. F Huang(黄发良).Multimodal learning for topic sentiment analysis in microblogging. Neurocomputing. 2017 , 253 (C) :144-153.( sci-II)  

13. Hu,BiYing,Wu.HP(吴慧萍).An examination of Chinese preservice and inservice early childhood teachers' perspectives on the importance and feasibility of the implementation of  key characteristics of quality inclusion. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATION. 2017. 21(2): 187-204.( sci-II)  

14. JT Li,CF Ma (马昌凤).The parameterized upper and lower triangular splitting methods for saddle point problems. Numerical Algorithms. 2017 , 76 (2) :1-13.( sci-II)  

15. B Huang,C Ma(马昌凤).Symmetric least squares solution of a class of Sylvester matrix equations via MINIRES algorithm. Journal of the Franklin Institute. 2017.( sci-II)  

16. CQ Lv,CF Ma(马昌凤).Picard splitting method and Picard CG method for solving the absolute value equation.( sci-II)  

17. YF Ke,CF Ma (马昌凤).An inexact modified relaxed splitting preconditioner for the generalized saddle point problems from the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Numerical Algorithms. 2017 , 75 :1-19.( sci-II)  

18. YF Ke,CF Ma (马昌凤).SOR-like iteration method for solving absolute value equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 2017 , 311 :195-202.( sci-II)  

19. YF Ke,CF Ma (马昌凤).The dimensional splitting iteration methods for solving saddle point problems arising from time-harmonic eddy current models. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 2017 , 303 :146-164.( sci-II)  

20. C Chen,C Ma (马昌凤).A generalization of the HSS-based sequential two-stage method for solving non-Hermitian saddle point problems. Numerical Algorithms. 2016 , 73 (4) :1-18.( sci-II)  

21. H Wang,Y Zheng (郑艳红).Stability andbifurcation analysis in the coupled HR neurons with delayed synaptic connection. NONLINEAR DYNAMICS. 2017 :1-10.( sci-II)  

22. S Zhou(周书明).Reliability Assessment of Multiprocessor System Based on (n, k)-Star Network. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON RELIABILITY. 2017 , PP (99) :1-11.( sci-III)  

23. X Chen,J Wang(王健).Weighted Poincare Inequalities for Non-local Dirichlet Forms. Journal of Theoretical Probability. 2015 :1-38.sci-III  

24. Y Shiozawa,J Wang(王健).Rate Functions for Symmetric Markov Processes via Heat Kernel. Potential Anal. 2015 , 46 (1) :1-31.( sci-III)  

25. L Wang (王丽丽).Quantum key agreement protocols with single photon in both polarization and spatial-mode degrees of freedom. Quantum Information Processing. Quantum Information Processing. 2017 , 16 (5) :130. ( sci-III)  

26. L Chen(陈兰香).DMRS: An Efficient Dynamic Multi-keyword Ranked Search over Encrypted Cloud Data. Soft Computing. 2017 (1) :1-13. ( sci-III)  

27. C Su,X Huang (黄欣沂).Universally Composable RFID Mutual Authentication. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing. 2017 , 14 (1) :83-94. ( sci-III)  

28. N Huang,CF Ma (马昌凤).Analysis on inexact block diagonal preconditioners for elliptic PDE -constrained optimization problems.Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2017, 74, 2423–2437.(sci-III)  

29. MT Li(李名田).Bowen Lemma in the Countable Symbolic Space. Entropy. 2017 , 19 (10) :532. ( sci-III)  

30. H Fang,L Xu (许力).An adaptive trust-Stackelberg game model for security and energy efficiency in dynamic cognitive radio networks.Computer Communications. 2016 , 105 (C) :124-132. (sci-III)  

31. X Wang,L Xu (许力).A Straight Skeleton Based Connectivity Restoration Strategy in the Presence of Obstacles for WSNs.Sensors.2017 , 17 (10) :2299. (sci-III)  

32. H Fang,L Xu(许力).Self-adaptive trust management based on game theory in fuzzy large-scale networks.Soft Computing.2015 :1-15. (sci-III)  

33. L Xu(许力).Uncertain random spectra_ a new metric for assessing the survivability of mobile wireless sensor networks.Soft Computing. 2015 :1-11. (sci-III)  

34. W Wu(伍伟).Towards Secure and Cost-Effective fuzzy Access Control in Mobile Cloud Computing.Soft Computing. 2017 , 21 :1-7. (sci-III)  

35. W Yang(杨文生).Dynamical behaviors of a diffusive predator-prey model with Beddington-DeAngelis functional response and disease in the prey. International Journal of Biomathematics. 2017. ( sci-III)  

36. S Lin(林崧).Cryptanalysis of Controlled Bidirectional Quantum Secure Direct Communication Network Using Classical XOR Operation and Quantum Entanglement. IEEE Communications Letters2017 , 21 (10) :2202-2205. (sci-III)  

37. X Li,S Zhou(周书明).The Reliability Analysis Based on Subsystems of (n, k)-Star Graph.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON RELIABILITY. 2016 , 65 (4) :1700-1709. (sci-III)  

38. Z.Jing(曾晶).Infinite solutions having a prescribed number of nodes for a Schrodinger problem. BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS. 2017.( sci-III)  

39. Gao, Yanfang,Wang, Zhiyong (王智勇).Minimal mass non-scattering solutions of the focusing L 2 -critical Hartree equations with radial data. 2017,37 (4 ):1979-2007.(sci-III)  

40Y Zhong(钟延生).A new form for the differential of the constraint functional in strictly convex reflexive Banach spaces. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications.( sci-III)  

41. Y Zhong(钟延生).Exponential attractors for the strongly damped wave equations with critical exponent. Boundary Value Problems (2016) 2016:36. ( sci-III)  

42. C Chen (陈超).Global well-posedness of 2D nonlinear Boussinesq equations with mixed partial viscosity and thermal diffusivity. MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES. 2017 , 40 (12). ( sci-III)  



45. B,Huang, CF Ma(马昌凤).On the least squares generalized Hamiltonian solution of generalized coupled Sylvester-conju gatematrix equations.COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS.2017,74(3): 532-555( sci-III)  

46. CQ Lv ,CF Ma(马昌凤).A matrix CRS iterative method for solving a class of coupled Sylvester-transpose matrix equations. Computers & Mathematics with Applications. 2017,74(6): 1223-1231(sci-III)  

47. YF Ke,CF Ma (马昌凤).Alternating direction methods for solving a class of Sylvester-like matrix equations (AXB, CXD) = (G, H). Linear & Multilinear Algebra. 2017,65(11):  2268-2292(sci-III)  

48. YF Ke ,CF Ma (马昌凤).An alternating direction method for nonnegative solutions of the matrix equation AX+YB = C. Computational & Applied Mathematics.2017,36 (1):  359-365(sci-III)  

49. JJ Hu,CF Ma (马昌凤).Minimum-norm Hamiltonian solutions of a class of generalized Sylvester-conjugate matrix equations. Computers & Mathematics with Applications. 2017,73 (5): 747-764(sci-III)  

50. N Huang,CF Ma (马昌凤).Positive definite and semi-definite splitting methods for non-hermitian positive definite linear systems. Journal of Computational Mathematics, 2016, 34(3): 300-316(sci-III)  

51. JT Li,CF Ma (马昌凤).Semi-convergence analysis of parameterized ULT splitting iteration methods for singular saddle point problems. Computers & Mathematics with Applications. 2017,73 (10): 2285-2292(sci-III)  

52. ML Lin(林铭炜).Efficient Sequential Data Migration Scheme Considering Dying Data for HDD/SSD Hybrid Storage Systems. IEEE ACCESS. 2017, 5:  23366-23373(sci-III)  

53. AR Ye(叶阿勇).A Novel Location Privacy-Preserving Scheme Based on l-Queries for Continuous LBS. Computer Communications. 2017, 98:  1-10(sci-III)  

54. JF Chen (陈俊凡).Uniqueness of meromorphic functions sharing two finite sets. Open Mathematics. 2017, 98: 1244-1250(sci-IIII)  

55. Ma, JH (Ma, Jinhua), Huang, XY (黄欣沂).Protecting Mobile Health Records in Cloud Computing: A Secure, Efficient, andAnonymous Design. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems. 2017,16 (2), (sci-IIII)  

56. LQ Lin,YN Zhang(张云南).THE STRONG IRREDUCIBILITY OF A CLASS OF COWEN–DOUGLAS OPERATORS ON BANACH SPACES. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society. 2016,94 (3): 479-488 (sci-IIII)  

57. JJ Chen,ZX Chen(陈正新).Aclass of simple Lie algebras attached to unit forms. Frontier of mathematics in China. 2017,12 (4): 787-803 (sci-IIII)  

58. XZ Lin (林贤祖).Characterizations of the Vertex Operator Algebras and V-L(T) and V-L(O). Algebras and Representation Theory. 2017,20 (2): 313-334(sci-IIII)  

59. HH,JH Shen(沈建和).Relaxation Oscillations in Singularly Perturbed Generalized Lienard Systems with Non-Generic Turning Points. MATHEMATICAL MODELLING AND ANALYSIS. 2017,22 (3): 389-407(sci-IIII)  

60. P Gong (龚平).bpCMon:A rule-based monitoring framework for business processes compliance. International journal of web services research. 2017,14 (2): 81-103(sci-IIII)  

61. JQQ ,BG Yang(杨标桂).Hypersurfaces in nearly Kaehler manifold S^3xS^3. Proceedings - Mathematical Sciences. 2017,127(4): 707-717(sci-IIII)  

62. Xu, Li(许力).Fang, HeLin, Zhiwei, Evolutionarily stable opportunistic spectrum access in cognitive radio networks. IET Communications. 2016,10(17): 2290-2299(sci-IIII)  

63. WF,Xu Li(许力).Strongly Secure Certificateless Signature Scheme in the Standard Model with Resisting Malicious-But-Passive KGC Attack Ability. JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. 2017,33(4): 873-889(sci-IIII)  

64. WXD,WW,ZSM,Xu Li(许力).Hybrid Recovery Strategy Based on Random Terrain in Wireless Sensor Networks. Scientific Programming. 2017(sci-IIII)  

65. C,LH,WG Su (苏维钢).A NOTE ON WEYL-TYPE THEOREMS AND RESTRICTIONS. Annals of FunctionalAnalysis. 2017,8(2): 190-198(sci-IIII)  

66. HXY,XY, Xu Li(许力).Network Coding Based Converge-Cast Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks. Wireless Personal Communications. 2017,96(4):4947-4972(sci-IIII)  

67. AR Ye(叶阿勇).A Road-Network Based Privacy-Preserving Approach in Trajectory Publishing. Journal of Internet Technology. 2017,18(4):  867-876(sci-IIII)  

68. Shi Peng(时鹏).High-throughput Fat Quantifications of Hematoxylin-Eosin Stained Liver Histopathological Images Based on Pixel-wise Clustering. SCIENCE CHINA-INFORMATION SCIENCES. 2017,60(9) (sci-IIII)  

69. GGDCBB,Lin Song (林崧).Multi-party Quantum Key Agreement without Entanglement. International Journal of Theoretical Physics. 2017,56(4): 1039-1051 (sci-IIII)  

70. GGD,CBB,Lin Song (林崧).Multi-party quantum key agreement with teleportation. International Journal of Theoretical Physics. 2017,31(10) (sci-IIII)  

71. XX,LXW,SM Zhou(周书明).The g-good-neighbor diagnosability of (n, k)-star graphs. Theoretical Computer Science. 2017,659: 53-63(sci-IIII)  

72. XX,LJQ,SM Zhou(周书明).Reliability of Complete Cubic Networks under the Condition of g-Good-Neighbor. Theoretical Computer Science. 2017,60(5): 625-635(sci-IIII)  

73. JF Chen(陈俊凡).Nonexceptional functions and normal families of zero-free meromorphic functions. Filomat. 2017,31(14): 4665-4671(sci-IIII)  

74. SCY,YS Zhong(钟延生).Uniform quasi-differentiabilityof semigroup to nonlinear reaction-diffusion equations with supercritical exponent. Acta Mathematica Scientia. 2017,37(2):  301-315(sci-IIII)  

75. ZZC,YZF,PH Ke(柯品惠).Autocorrelation of the Modified Binary Two-prime Sidelnikov Sequence. International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science. 2017,28(4):  391-409(sci-IIII) 

76. LFC,CL Lin(林昌露).Role-based signature and its security proof. Journal of Information Science and Engineering. 2016,32(6): 1525-1539(sci-IIII)  

77. KYF,CF Ma(马昌凤).The alternating direction methods for solving the Sylvester-type matrix equation AXB+CX^TD = E. Journal of Computational Mathematics. 2017,35(5):620-641(sci-IIII)  

78. KYF,CF Ma(马昌凤).An accelerated augmented Lagrangian method for linearly constrained convex programming with the rate of convergence O(1/k^2). Applied Mathematics-A Journal of Chinese Universities, 2017,32(1):117-126(sci-IIII)  

79. AR Ye (叶阿勇).A Robust Location Fingerprint Based on Differential Signal Strength and Dynamic Linear Interpolation. Security & Communication Networks. 2016,9(16):3618-3626 (sci-IIII)  

80. LYQ,TQ Huang(黄添强).Exposing video inter-frame forgery by Zernike opponent chromaticity moments and coarseness analysis. Multimedia System. 2017,23(2):223-238 (sci-IIII)